@Corey Liepelt Thank you, I've done some looking around and look forward to attending a few meetings and seeing and hearing how this is done in person. I think I will start listening to these podcasts while I work on some personal projects and soak up as much information as I can. Thanks again, we can all use the luck, keeping my eyes on the prize can be difficult but is absolutely key. Appreciate your reply and the offer! :)
@Frankie Woods Thanks for the welcome! I am very happy to of made the decision, I am contemplating daily where to begin and what action will be my first.
@Dave Visaya Thanks! I look forward to listening to all of the podcasts that are available here. I already enjoy making use of the seemingly endless blog posts and articles.
@Frank Acquafreda Great to hear it. It's a good feeling knowing there are others out there just as inspired and determined to aim high and succeed. I appreciate your encouragement and wish you the best of luck on your ventures as well.
@Engelo Rumora Thanks for the welcome. I do see that there are a variety of opportunities in the Ohio market and look forward to getting involved. Great advice and I agree. I have a history of not being a people person and I am working to change that. As the art of success is greatly involved with people, real estate is a people field and I think ones ability to socialize and develop relationships is a large part of ones happiness as well.
@John Horner Absolutely. I am driven and the sooner I can get into the field the better, at the same time I don't want to be overly brash and without due diligence. I don't expect to make no mistakes, but I want my moves to be relatively calculated. Life is absolutely outside of your comfort zone. These past few years I have brought myself into many situations that made me uncomfortable and I expect to spend a lot more time feeling uncomfortable.. but I see that as a great thing, because I know that's what it takes to go down the path I want to follow.
Concerning the goal of a million and cashflow, good point. To clarify I suppose I meant to say that I have set the goal of having a million in funds, as well as developing a hefty cashflow for the longer term, with these being two separate goals. As for exactly how this will be accomplished, I remain open to all the possibilities. I have used craigslist to scope out deals on a variety of things and it's a terrific resource. This method of getting into the field may very well be a great way to get started.
I greatly appreciate the time you took to reply and advise! I will make an effort to come to the site and interact on some level daily.
@James Wise Thanks for the welcome!