It all depends on what your goals are.
Do you want to be an agent? If so, then of course you should get your license.
If you want to just purely invest in whatever strategy you choose (buy & holds, flips, wholesale, etc.) then a license may not be necessary. The license grants you access to the MLS, which is a great wealth of information. However, it is likely that you can find an agent of your own that is responsive and can handle your MLS requests (and set you up with limited MLS access).
There's no right or wrong answer here, but getting your license will also give you more information and a bit more negotiating power when looking to purchase a property. Since you represent yourself, the seller would not have to pay your 3% agent fee, which you may be able to take off the purchase price.
It certainly does not hurt to get your license and if ~$1,000 matters to you down the road, I'm sure there were bigger mistakes made than investing in getting your license.