Wow, thanks everyone for your insight. I just got back a short time ago from looking at the property, and it was not as bad as I had expected. I have seen much worse where I grew up which just so happens to be in the Baltimore area( Ned ),Pasadena to be exact. All of the units had a new EPDM roof, and most had newer floors. All were 2 bed, 1 bath living room and kitchen. The owner only bought it last year, so that makes me a little leery in and of itself. Why would he want out, the agent said he is moving and is to old to deal with it.
Mr. De Guzman, thank you for those calculations, not sure how you came up with them but I'm sure the formula is on the site somewhere. I'll be on the look out.
Mr. Owens, I could be leaving as soon as 2 years or as late as 5. By the way it would be without a retirement, and you are right it would probably take more time than I can offer it.
Mrs. Elizabeth, thanks for the thoughts concerning the commercial side of things.
And Ned, if and when I get out I may wind up in good old B-More, who knows maybe we can work together some day.
I think I'll pass on this particular offer and focus more on a few of the foreclosures in my area. There are several single family and town home foreclosures available once again thank you all for the info..