I had a contractor screw up everything possible with a job. He built a pergola so hidious you would not believe it if you saw it. I told him what I wanted, and he completely drove my idea off the side of the road. Imagine 1x6 spanned 12 feet with nothing in the middle to support it. These geniuses thought if they simply put it at an angle the wood support it's own weight. These boards are litterally 6 feet off the ground now, vs 9 feet the day they finished. I told him that would not work, and he told me he wasn't finished, and that he would be back. That was 2019. The beauty of this is he was parked my lawn with his business name on his truck, standing there when a Google maps car drove by a snapped the perfect picture of him working on it. Thats perfect addition to his reviews.
Other things he did.
1) did not put a spacer between cabinets, so if I fix that the granite countertop slab gets tossed because the measurments changed and it will be shorter than the cabinets.
2) He tried removing a rusted shut 70 year old clean-out drain cap, and caused it to pop off (under pressure) and flood under the cabinets. He assumed it was obsolete since a new cleanout was put outside, but both are connected. All he had to do was measure and cut a hole (which he ended up doing anyway) like it's done with all plumbing when installing cabinets.
3) needed to add power the new ceiling lights in the kitchen, so the geniuses removed the dedicated computer outlet, rerouted the computer outlet to an old fuse box that supplies 1/2 the power to the house (don't ask me why, I moved into the house with1/2 fuse 1/2 circuit panel). They removed dedicated circuit to the kitchen and moved that to the same outlet in the bedroom, so now my kitchen and bedroom are both on the same fuse on the panel. They essentially inscreased my house to catch fire expodentially. MORONS!
4) No underlayment for the flooring in the kitchen, and the thin floor tile needs to be trashed and the whole thing re-done
The only thing this contractor seemed to be experienced at is framing, drywall and painting. I'm not impressed with the texture. Oh, and taking cigarette breaks.
I also paid them close to 30K. I will never hire again like this with referals from firends, who are clueless. Some people want to be the guy that knows everyone, when they don't.. When I told this "friend" what they did, he quickly backpeddled and distanced himself from him.