I am two weeks out from closing on a new property in Colorado
My real estate agent just called me and told me that the sellers wanted to disclose something fairly odd...
Apparently, one of the sellers is a heavy Adderall user (a schedule 2 prescription drug similar to meth).
She stays awake for 2-3 days at a time and gets extremely paranoid and is currently convinced there are bugs all over the house and someone is hacking her computer.
My worry is, that much like someone who is addicted to opiates may turn to heroin when they run out of a prescription, that someone addicted to amphetamines would turn to meth.
When I did my due diligence, I was unaware of the mental state of the owner, but I did not notice any bad smells, and the place was fairly clean, so I don't think she was cooking meth.
My due diligence period is over, so I don't think I can get a professional to to a test, but I have seen that there are test kits online. I could perform one during my final walk through the day before closing.
Has anyone done one of these tests before? Any recommendations on a good test? Would it even hold up since I am not a professional?
I just don't want to be stuck in a house that will be difficult to sell in the future or that requires meth remediation.