Originally posted by @Adam Martin:
How long has the tenant been in the property and where is it located. If they have been there a while the damage is most likely done and I doubt it is going to get much worse. You will already need to replace carpeting, paint, ozone the place, and air it out. I would let her know that you understand her situation and void the lease and have her sign a month to month to get her, and you, out of the year long contract you signed. Tell her you will give her several months and won't enforce the no smoking until spring. Hopefully she is thankful and pays until then and this will give her time to save. This also gives you time to wait for the moratorium to hopefully end and the courts to have some time to sort through the current eviction backlog if it gets to that. I'm not sure where you or the rental is located but spring typically is easier to rent out and rents are higher. Good luck but at least she was honest about it and didn't just agree knowing she was going to continue and you not have much of a way to prove it, thats a good sign. Hopefully the fact the home was smoked in got you a discount.
I like this idea. I know that the damage is already done in the unit. That isn't my primary concern. I am mostly worried about it being a fire hazard. Being a firefighter I take fire safety/prevention very seriously and I do not believe that there is any place for smoking inside of my property, especially since I will be living next door. Thank you for the suggestion though, I'll definitely consider taking this route.