Hello all, first let me start off by saying I have been reading some threads about the return of stated income loans, which appear to be picking up traction again.
I am a real estate investor looking for a stated income loan for a small new build as my personal residence (30 year mortgage.) Do any of you have any suggestions for new build stated income loans? I would like a fixed rate for as long as possible; maybe 5 years?
Here's what I will have at the time of loan. I hope to be ready to start in the next 2-3 months. I haven't got bids yet, but expect the build to be 140k, and I expect to put 20%-30% down in cash.
Homesite: Lot in Austin TX area worth 35k.
FICO Credit Score: should be 720+ by time of loan.
Income: 40-50k per year
Employment: Self employed with no W-2
Liquid assets (cash and/or investment real estate): 100k+
I'm just looking to make some future contacts, and get an idea of what to expect on interest rates.