I've got a 4-plex that my wife and I are owner occupying in Los Angeles. For a dozen different reasons we want one of our tenants evicted, but of course tenant laws in LA are pretty strong. However, we have a potential new development that can be a great way to evict them. The guy came home last night and dropped something while he was opening his door and didn't notice. I walked up and found a bag of weed. I had long suspected that they smoked pot in their unit (can't hide that smell) but didn't have any concrete proof. Their lease is very clear about illegal drugs use being a non-curable offense and cause for eviction. But, this is California and recently recreational marijuana passed by voter proposition. Am I still allowed to evict for their drug use, or is that basically nullified now that pot isn't considered illegal in California. I'm going to reach out to a lawyer of course, but they won't be open until Monday, and I'm dying to know!