Are you putting money in the bank? If I was a betting man i would bet that you are putting a lot more in the bank than the majority of the posters on here that have one agenda and that is to stroke their ego's.
I could not agree more with Deanna's response above. Keep working what works for you.
I buy all used appliances when I need to replace one in any of my units. What is the difference in buying a used fridge and placing it for $100.00 or buying it new for $800 in five years? The only difference will be $700.00 in cash flow tied up in a five year old fridge that looks just like the $100.00 one down the street at habitat for humanity.
I buy used commodes and pressure wash them and then install them. Used vanities and cabinets. Medicine cabinets, building materials.
And you know tenants have never complained and actually love their landlord. Not because I have cheap rent or I am a pushover, but because if they called me right now saying their fridge is not cooling I would be pulling up within the hour in my 2003 Pontiac Montana van and trailer with a spare used fridge from Habitat Humanity or some yard sale that I bought last spring and have kept in storage for when a fridge went down. When they have a clean working fridge within the hour and none of their food is lost they are never asking me why I am so cheap to put in a used fridge.
I also cut my own grass, for one because it saves a little money but it also gives me a great opportunity to gauge what is going on with each tenant and property on a weekly basis. There is little chance of moving in a roommate or sister with her two kids when your landlord/owner also cuts the grass, changes the furnace filters, checks the fire alarms, re caulks the tubs etc......on a regular basis.
I know there are millionaires on here that can and would never do it this way. However, I also know there are millionaires that started out with nothing but a dream and a prayer just like us and ended up millionaires but are probably to busy to post here because they are currently caulking a tub or getting their hands dirty with some task that others would turn their nose up at.