Hey fellas, sorry for getting in here late. This is my main market so I wanted to throw out a few things... Primarily @Alan Asriants, I'd encourage you to look at Kellogg, Idaho. It has Silver Mountain Resort which sounds perfect for what you are wanting. I have seen a huge uptick in activity out there and represented 2 buyers in Kellogg this last month alone, which is unusually high for that area. The area is known for not just it's skiing but also for mountain biking, an awesome year-long waterpark, and trail riding (ATVs/UTVs but also bicycles. Look up The Trail of the Coeur d'Alenes which brings people from all over the country). Coeur d'Alene River runs through there too which is well known for it's fly fishing, which also brings quite a lot of tourism. The financials are really strong on most of those places year round with summer oftentimes even out-performing winter. Considering that the prices are still WAY lower than CDA, it may be perfect for you. There was an old superfund in the 80s to clean up metal contaminants in the soil from the old mining activity, so maybe check into that if. Don't eat the dirt and you should be just fine though haha. I'm thinking about buying one of the resort condos after going deep into the financials with my client last month. I always knew it was good, but I checked into them on almost every condo that was active and I was impressed that even after the resort took their massive 50% cut to manage everything, the owners were still often grossing over 2k many months for a 250k condo. Pretty great stuff. If you want higher returns, they are definitely possible. Reach out if you want to know more, but since you are happy with a few hundred, that's what I'd do. Also, you probably want to stay away from Sandpoint. It is our most liberal area in North Idaho. Also, it is more seasonal than Kellogg.