@Mike Rodriguez that's a great question, most of the time sellers are more apt to agree to your terms if you make a full price offer. It's a physiological thing, at the end of the day it could be the same exact terms just presented differently. This happens a lot in every day life, if an item is listed for $1.99 vs $2.00 you're more apt to buy it vs if you can buy two boxes of tissues for $5 or one box for $3.50, most people will think their saving money by going with the cheaper option. Same goes for real estate, if a couple list their home for $250k most of the time their agent has already conditioned them to believe they will receive a much higher offer. Lets say the home will need $10k in repairs, if you offer $240k they're less likely to accept it. When simply offering full price with a $10k credit at closing sounds more favorable. However considering how crazy the market is right now that's going to be tough to find, most properties are selling for well above asking price. As long as the numbers work I wouldn't be worried about a small difference in the closing costs.