Looking for advice on becoming a Real Estate Agent in California as well as an investor. I have a license in NJ / NY & PA which have been helpful.
I’d like to fix & flip as well as buy and hold. I’m starting from scratch since I will be moving from NJ to California within the next 6 months. I am flying into San Francisco tomorrow and staying until the 28th.
I’d love to hear some advice for networking groups, great markets for fix & flips and buy and holds and any other invaluable suggestions / advice you may have (besides not to invest in CA real estate lol)
I have friend in San Diego, LA, and Dublin/Pleasanton area... just looking for any info on any markets in all of Cali. I’d like to stay in the warmer climate, non flood/fire areas lol near the beach with great flow of business going on as well as leisure.
Any help is appreciated! I’m also open to any events that may be going on in the next week, I’ve actually never been to CA!