Hello all. I just wanted to introduce myself to the group. My name is Clovis Mcclain and im a cdl truck driver by day and a real estate investor/landlord on my own time. My end goal is to replace my J.O.B. income with the passive income afforded through R.E. investing. I to date have employed a buy and hold strategy having aquired 2 doors with a business partner and 7 on my own of which i reside in 1 (triplex) so i guess only 6 cash flowing solo doors. Im looking to upgrade from the condos (2), rowhouses (1), and three families (2) that ive cut my teeth on and move into the very appealing commercial apartment building arena utilizing the value add strategy. Im definitely open to jv deals, any and all advice, tidbits, breadcrumbs, constructive criticism, questions etc. My ego is well in check unlike my untamed refocused desire to succeed, with integrity of course. Growing up doing carpentry with my uncle for 10 yrs and then seeing those late night infomercials (yeah i know. Lol) is what caused the light bulb to go off, and what led me to pursue this path to financial independence. Those years doing carpentry helps tremendously when im vetting a property as well as the 2 years i spent working with coastal plumbing out of milford ct. Bp is a Godsend for anyone interested in R.E. investing (but of course, if your here reading this then you already know that) im currently about 120 podcast vidoes in with no plans of stopping until im caught up to the current shows. Going through about 5 a day while im driving for work makes it pretty easy. Wish you all the success you can handle in 2020 and beyond. Heres to a prosperous investing Decade!!!!