Interest rates should not make or break your deal. I use an excel doc to analyze all of my deals and it automatically calculates payments based on terms and the rate I input. I always predict higher rates because if a 1-2% shift in rates makes it a bad deal, then I don't want to be in it in the first place. I also analyze the deal with my standards for ROI. If it hits that desired return, submit the offer. If it doesn't hit that return, what number will get you there? Every property has a sales price that makes it a good deal. So find that number for you and submit your offer. I would LOVE for interest rates to be 18%. Sellers would have to understand that the purchase price would have to come down in order to make a deal work(or not be able to sell). Historically speaking rates would be likely to come down after that so you can refi later. If rates stay the same, then every dollar paid toward the mortgage is essentially being invested at an automatic, risk free 18% return! You marry the property, not the rate. It will be next to impossible for people to refi these loans that they got 3% on inflated values. They are locked into those loans now. If you don't believe me then listen to Warren Buffet "Be fearful when others are greedy, be greedy when others are fearful".