I invest over in Clemson, SC but I don't do much in Spartanburg county.
I do have a couple of tips that might help you find your first rental:
1. Definitely do as @Brandon Turner and others have said - get the money lined up. You said FHA or USDA could work, but is that for rental? Sounded like owner occupant terms. Could your dad or someone partner with you and fund the down payment?
2. For finding deals, there is a wholesaler whose list I'm on who gets a lot of deals over in Spartanburg County. Here was a recent email I got from him:
3004 Kelsey Creek Rd., Spartanburg, SC 29302
TMS# 7-21-00-066.06
1112sf, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, 74 acre lot, built 1959, central HVAC,
2013 taxes 1282 (May be reduced by appeal.)
77,350 > Last sold price 2004
72,000 > CRS retail comps
49,000 > Tax value
32,995 > Price OBO
Call for access.
Joseph A. Vollmer, Sr.
You can get on his email list for more deals here:
If you want his phone number, PM because I don't think we're supposed to give out numbers publicly.
3. Come to Upstate CREIA on the 3rd Monday of every month in Greenville. There is a deal time at the beginning of every meeting and you can tell people what you're looking for. There are a lot of Spartanburg landlords in the room, and I bet you cold talk to some of them about buying one of their deals.
Best of luck. Keep making progress daily.