Hello all, yet another screening question. Thank you in advance for your advice.
I don't do this often, I've got one unit, and I've only rented it for 6 years, so I've only had to go through a screening process a few times.
I am wondering how much you all look at debt, especially consumer debt (credit cards, persona unsecured loans), car loan debt, student loans, etc. I''m wondering if I'm applying my own very conservative financial ideals (I don't carry any consumer debt, pay cash for cars) on my applicants or if I have a valid concern regarding ability or willingness to pay rent down the road.
Most of my applicants carry an what seems to me a mind-blowing amount of debt - examples - 6 plus credit cards with balances (some right up against the maximum) with minimum monthly repayment adding up to a substantial amount of their income , car loans for cars that cost more than a full year of their income... one recent applicant that has already accumulated $7,000 of consumer debt only 1.5 years after a bankruptcy.
So, my question is: how do you all weight the risk that debt might represent on an application, especially when their fico is actually decent (650 and up).
Thank you