@Sam Erickson
The reason there are no repairs needed is because the property is currently fully occupied by very happy tenants. So if an investor wanted to, they could literally purchase the property and start collecting rent without having to do any repairs. Now, if you wanted to upgrade a few things here and there -- more power to you. but not needed at this time. You have a problem with me saying ARV.. That's fine..then the "value" is 121K.
Moving forward, according to the comps given to me by the agent, the average came out to $74/Sq Ft. If you do the math based on the comps in the presentation they come out a little higher but only because it couldn't fit a couple lower price properties on the spreadsheet that were sold.. But I made sure to reflect them in the final arv (or value).
At 70% that comes out to about an 84K ask.
I figured I could make it more attractive and make a few friends by dropping the price to 81K. I don't make as much money, but I assumed that building relationships were better than a few extra bucks in my pocket...
If you disagree with my numbers, that's fine. Let's have a real conversation. Show me what you came up with and why. We can compare notes and hopefully come to an agreement. I'm not perfect and maybe you know something I don't.