Gulp! Why is everyone staring at me? Oh, it's my wife. Isn't she beautiful? I am a lucky guy. Well here goes nothing. My name is Cinique'. Yes, I said Cinique' - (Sa-neek). "If you want to have a conversation about my name we'll have to discuss it some other time, just contact me." I am from a place called...ummm...oh yeah, (I almost forgot), Statesville, NC. There's nothing special about it. It's a small town outside of Charlotte, NC. It doesn't even show up on Google Satellite imagery, it's so small. Did someone actually go to Google maps just now?
Anyways...I currently live in Raleigh, NC with my wife and four little crumb-snatchers. (Five if you count my dog, cause I do. Which is a large part into my never-ending pursuit to keep my refrigerator full). I have been married for far too long, about 17 years now. I know, I know, I look good for my age. That's what good genes will do for you. I thank my mom for that. She only bought us the best Levis denim. Some of you got that, some of you didn't. Don't worry, my words are in print, you can re-read it and laugh later.
I am going to say this as humbly as I can...I have a different yet refreshing personality. You'll have to converse with me to see for yourself. I am great with people and wish to infect some of you with my personality. I am here, mostly to learn. But I have been taught by many authors already. It's about time for me to take my first steps. Like any other trusting yungyun, I need to hold someone's hand until I am able to walk on my own.
It is my goal to be a confident RE investor within the year. Possibly partnering with some of you fine folks. I am a hellacious procrastinator when it comes new endeavors, yet a hard worker when my path is clear and my goals are defined. I intend to mark this RE investing goal off my bucket-list and move it into to things accomplished. I have accomplished many things in my lifetime. So many that even I sometimes forget. Here is just a few: I've went from breasts to bottles, from being carried around to crawling, from crawling to walking, walking to running, running to flipping, flipping to wrestling, wrestling to football, football to graduating high school, high school to soldier, soldier to paratrooper, paratrooper to husband, husband to father, father to coach, coach to tech worker, tech worker to author, author to college graduate, college graduate to business man. There is more to my story, but carpal tunnel and I are not friends.
I hope to make each of your acquaintances. Thank you for listening/reading my long winded introduction. I look forward to our journey together, here at Bigger Pockets! (Why not Bigger Pockets on these genes)! lol I couldn't resist.