I'm currently trying to find a new tenant to rent a house. I had a call from someone that inquired the house. They said they were looking for something for 6 mo. lease or less because they are looking to buy a house. I'm new to the rentals and I usually try and do a 1yr. lease then it switches to monthly after the 1yr. I wouldn't be opposed of doing a 6mo. lease agreement.
I'm going to show the place today and after a quick interview on the phone I think this person would qualify with flying colors. One thing I'm questioning is she said it is her, her daughter and that she has a fiancé that is working miles away and I'm assuming living away from home most of the time. She mentioned that he would only be there once a week or less. It was almost like she wouldn't consider him a tenant.
My thoughts are if he is going to partially live their, even once a month, then he probably needs to be on the lease agreement and also go through a background check. Even though he isn't going to be there all the time I figure things can change and he could end up in the house full time. Also if she is on the lease I can only qualify her income and not them jointly. I'll have to explain this to her if she didn't intend on having him in the agreement.
What are your thoughts?