Originally posted by MikeOH:
That's not the question. The question is whether there is ANYTHING worth fighting for?
Would you fight if they cancelled the 1st Amendment (freedom of speech, assembly)?
Would you fight if they took away the 2nd Amendment (the right to keep and bear arms)?
Would you fight if they came to take your neighbor to the gas chamber because he was a Jew?
How about if the government one day decided that there will no longer be any private property?
Is there ANYTHING you would fight for or would you simply let them take away all your freedoms?
THAT is the question? Anyone?
Yes Mike, I would and do fight. I fight for the principles of this country, that anyone can be anything they want if they work hard and have the guts to take risks, and against big government that want their hands in any and everything. The nationalization and government ownership of the car industry (and private businesses), the singling out of a group of individual citizens for punitive taxation, healthcare reform, the value added tax etc, etc are just a few of the most current examples.
I fight against any and all limitations set by the government that promote mediocrity, the status quo, irresponsibility and the message that the government will solve all my problems.
How do I fight, not violently, but with letters to my representatives, educating others to current events, and by reading and posting on forums like this one that promote innovation, creative, free speech, and the bettering of oneself.