Act 1: One individual makes honest post asking people with experience using REI Reply to give their feedback.
Act 2: A group of individuals who have never used REI Reply begin saying things that put REI Reply in a less than favorable light.
Act 3: Owner of REI Reply makes post in REI Reply Facebook Group letting REI Reply users know person from Act 1 is requesting feedback on user experience and if you've got time to give it please jump into Bigger Pockets and do so.
Act 4: People with experience using REI Reply go to Bigger Pockets and give their review.
Act 5: The people from Act 2 (who have never used REI Reply) attempt to discredit the people giving their honest reviews who have used/are using REI Reply. Those doing the discrediting do this by saying things like... these are spammers hired from the Philippines, which isn't true... others said the owner of REI Reply paid his users to post fake reviews, which isn't true. One guy argues that in order to have credibility posting your REI Reply review you must have (seemingly) as many posts on Bigger Pockets as he does or you won't be taken seriously -- will let you decide if that's true.
Act 6: Finally, some UNbiased sensical people who have never used REI Reply pointed out the obvious, which is that it's only $49/mo so if you're looking for a CRM that automates most of your business give it a try. If you're not looking for that then don't. But for $49/mo what do you really have to lose.
Hope this helps and may your business prosper regardless of what tools and systems you're using.