@Henry Clark
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I appreciate the amount of input. I'm going to preface all my responses by saying I've only been learning about self-storage for about a month, and I say that to say that I'm still sorting out what I think the best strategy will be for me, but also that the strategy I initially decide on could easily change as I continue to learn about self-storage.
That said, I'm currently interested in using a private equity model to acquire a long term portfolio of self-storage assets. So, I suppose I could say I would be an investor and operator (but outsource/automate as much of the day-to-day operations as possible).
I'm currently a Pilot in the Navy stationed in Pensacola, FL, but I will have to move in a little over a year, so that introduces another obstacle that I will have to overcome especially considering that this is my first foray into self-storage.
As far as product offering goes, I'm interested in mom-and-pop facilities with value-add opportunities. I know that's a vague answer considering all the ways to add value with self-storage, but that's about as defined as my criteria are at this point. I'll have to really narrow that down in the coming months.
My only investment in self-storage education so far has been time, nothing financial other than a couple books. That's kind of why I wanted to hear from investors who are in the self-storage space, to confirm that self-storage is worth pursuing with my time and money before I find myself 6 months into learning about self-storage only to find out that REIT's and regional operators have already squeezed out all the value-add opportunities and I just wasted time trying to find good deals.
You said in one of the last sentences of your response that the next 10 years will be a great time to invest, and based on what I've been seeing, I've come to a similar conclusion. I guess my reason for originally posting this thread was to find that confirmation from people much more experienced than me. Thanks again for your input!
Sorry for the double post. Don't think I got the tag right the first time.