Good News! (hopefully)
We have already been to the house several times to collect valuables, photos, our own personal property, and important papers. Another thing I inherited was POA and sole trusteeship for my 100 year old grandmother. My dad kept really bad records, and shared zero information with me (I didn't even know my grandmother had a trust) and there was a lot of detective work involved in getting this info.
The tenant has been mostly cooperative, albeit very nosey, with us in that regard.
As I mentioned in my original post, it is mostly things she has said that have us very worried that she would not leave willingly. If she truly had nowhere to go and only to $900 a month SSI, I actually wouldn't blame her for trying to stay there for the absolute longest amount of time all the way up to the day the sheriff arrives. Added to that were comments of a very sentimental nature about it being "her home" and how my dad and her were "planning a life together," and clincher - "Your dad said you would take care of me." As I said, my brother and I barely know this lady.
Well, I finally reached out to one of her family members (oldest daughter) who has assured me that if she has not found a place to stay by mid-June, that she will come and get her or help her out financially in order to find a place. It turns out that this person does have some options. She also, in my opinion, might be growing very tired of living there with all of my stuff (which I'm pretty sure she has not touched).
So hopefully, we are back on track for being able to put the house on the market in July.