@Brian Ellis I work in property management, the area I work in is extremely dog centric, as well as dog frIendly. So many peolme have dogd, as well as cats , but durIng the day you see dog walkers walking dogs, a lot of the restaurants allow dogs to be sat outside with their owners, so in this area not allowing pets would restrict your self from a lot of qualified tenants.
As someone already mentioned, It Is case by case. Most of the landlords I work with, require a non-refundable pet fee, and very strict language in the leases that we have, regarding both cats and dogs. Verbage that states after a certaIn number of complaints from the tenants the pet may have to be removed, things along these lines. It never usually is a problem, the strong wording deters most people that would be a problem , and most responsible dog people know whether their dog is a problem or not. And also, unless the dog barking is a serious issue , other people in the building won’t really complain in my experience.