Hello, Need advice.
I had my property in Nashville rented for three years with a particular agent. We didn't have great chemistry, so when the lease ended and came time for a new tenant, we parted ways. I re-hired the agent who helped my buy the property originally. With her we had good rapport, although it was a bumpy experience. She has a lot of hustle and talks a great game about protecting my investment, streamlining procedures, etc.
Currently, she has overseen repairs and we are now trying to place a new tenant.
However, we have not yet signed any property management agreement. I asked her to provide this document so we could agree on terms and sign and move forward. She instead sent me a sales contract, with "SALES" struck out (annotated) and replaced with "RENT." The document had absolutely nothing to do with property management. It was a sales contract with, after 9 legal pages of irrelevant information, had a couple sentences added about her commission.
I rejected the document, and asked her to provide me with a Property Management Agreement.
She then sent me a "Confirmation of Agency Status" one page contract. Again, a document of her representing me in a Sale. It again had absolutely no information on property management. Even less than the first document.
My requests are not getting through to her for some reason. I am traveling out of the country at the moment and we are communicating via email.
She claims to have done this many times before but seems to have no clue what I am asking for. I will not sign any document like she has sent, I want a proper property management agreement that outlines all terms, correctly, for both our protection and clarity.
What should I do? Am I being too strict? Is this a major red flag of her professionalism? I am totally baffled and very concerned.
Please I need some professional advice. Thank you very much.