My problem is that I haven't found rental listings that I like. The ones on Facebook posts or Craigslist are mostly smaller than what I have, either the house or the land. A few instances I have found a bigger place and land but they are farther away than we would like. I am limited to Rochester because we are unable to move out of area from my stepson's school. I will definitely try contact the people you suggested to see if there are lease options that I just haven't seen posted, but I was wondering if these people you suggested would purchase a house I like and offer a lease option to us, if something they own already doesn't meet my family needs..? I hope that doesn't sound too picky, I've just been discouraged by the slim pickings for rentals. I've seen multiple homes for sale with everything my family could ask for but we are not ready to purchase at the moment. I'm thinking another 2 years we will be able to purchase. I always message those homes and ask if there is a possibility of RTO, but no such luck yet.