@Mitch Coluzzi
Thanks alot and yeah it’s been tough but I figured I might as well get this cash flow and pay it forward to other people. And that is great insight that’s the the more in depth info I was lookin for! Really appreciate it man. So after you house hacked did you decide to turn it into a full blown rental property? Sounds like you were pretty well seasoned even back then haha I’m still tryin to figure out the leasing idea like you said month to month or like in iowa city college kids have full 12 month leases and just post their room on facebook or something if they need to move out and sublease. I’m also thinking about the cleaning portion and as you said food pooling. Can i ask how did you divy up utilities? I know the utilities for homes can be thru the roof. So dividing that up so I have a good coverage on the mortgage and utilities is what I’m curious about as well.
And @Austin Whitmore yeah there arent a lot for sale here in Iowa City or Des Moines at least from what my realtor has shown me. It’s all about location for me one thing I’ve learned is to never short that so there are some but they are in timbucktwo from either campus or any restaurants or just job locations. It has definitely been in my mind for sure. But I think I wanna start small is one thing and second is I’d like a home that is mine when this technique helps me pay it all off in the next two-3 years is my goal