Hi Josh,
Stanly county is blowing up. I think there's a huge demand for higher end housing, which can make you a lot more money given the 1 house / 3-acre constraint. Most builders are building lower to medium stuff.
Consider a multi-phase, high-end neighborhood plan for as much of the 110 acres as you plan to use. Include things like: minimum 3,000 sq ft, long set-backs, only high-end external materials, high roof pitches, etc. Create a semi-rigid HOA and ARB that are in your best interest. I hate these, but people who want to live in a high-end neighborhood expect them.
Partner with a high-end builder to do phase 1. 5 houses on ~15 acres that are part of your overall plan. "Partner" with him. Don't just sell the land and let him do what he wants. You want to approve all the designs to ensure the high-end elements are there. Builders will naturally want to save money and use cheaper external materials if they've already sold the project, even your friend. It's human nature to cut these corners to improve short term profits; but you have to be thinking about future phases and maintaining quality.
After these affluent buyers move in, you'll create huge demand for development phases. You'll have much more leverage over the price to future builders. You may switch builders or sell lots individually to allow a variety of builders in, following your ARB specifications to keep the neighborhood high-end and consistent. Whatever makes you the most money in the long run.
You're in the catbird seat.
All the best,