Name: Chris Platt
Current location: Overland Park, KS
Location investing in: Johnson County, KS
Investing strategies I’m pursuing: Fix and flip
The resource I have the most to offer right now (time, money, knowledge/experience) is: Time, project management experience
Some strengths I can offer this partnership: Background in project management, residential construction, and engineering
The resource I am looking for in a PARTNER right now (time, money, knowledge/experience) is: money, experience with wholesaler and private lenders
I am seeking a real estate partnership because I need: connections to wholesalers and hard money lenders/private lenders
My current level of experience with real estate investing includes: 1 single family rental
5 years down the road, I expect that real estate investing will have helped me achieve: 5 long term rentals, 10 fix and flip properties
I'm looking to serve as the project manager on our fix and flip properties. I enjoy working in construction and managing the project to drive value.