@Grant Music This post is so classic. I love it. There are so many lessons to be learned here. First, LISTEN to your father. It sounds like he cares about you a lot and has a wealth of experience to draw from. You don't have to heed every warning but you do have to HEAR every warning. Give the man the respect his years of experience and net worth would indicate he deserves. Probe him for advice, approach him with an open mind, and try to see it from his perspective.
On the flip side, show me an investor that didn't get negative push back from their friends and family when they first started. I dare you. Overcoming self doubt manifested from negative responses of those around you (especially those you care about most) is a large part of discovering your path to success. It IS frustrating but it comes with the territory.
I would absolutely love to see your dad create a profile on BP and share his knowledge of this subject in this forum. I think a ton of people would benefit from that including you.
Good luck and never stop learning. And most importantly never, ever, ever give up!