I had two tenants apply for ERAP. One application took 4 months to be reviewed. I was paid. I had no option to opt out or refuse payment. Apparently I can return the money but I was unable to find a mechanism to do so. I even sent a note in with my documents explaining that I wished for the case to be resolved quickly as these are nuisance tenants creating a safety hazard. At the time, once an application was submitted for ERAP any and all eviction proceedings were stayed until the application was determined. Once the tenant Ian approved, they are awarded protections. No raising of rent for a year, no evictions for a year. That’s has since been modified. Under ERAP, evictions are only allowable if it isn’t a four family’s unit or smaller and solely for the purpose of the owner or immediate family’s member immediate occupancy. There is no provision for evictions for any other reason. In order for me to evict, I have to move into the unit immediately.
My second tenant, I had served a thirty day notice to evict for reasons, I wished to renovate the unit. The court would not accept my petition because of the moratorium on evictions. The tenants decided to stop paying since I was evicting them. Since that time, they are three months behind and filed for ERAP. They continue to work and have not experienced any covid hardship. They have been notified there is additional documentation needed by them to complete the review. They are now intentionally not turning in the paperwork because they know they are protected by the pending ERAP application. While this should be contestable in court, my small town court Ian not taking the chance and hand tabled the petition for eviction. I feel their application isn’t approved, I may screwed. I will be stuck with them for a year.
Both of my tenants smoke in the building despite my request they not smoke and it being in the lease one of them was willing to sign. They don’t adhere to quiet hours and they chased out my good tenant. I inherited these tenants when I purchased the property. They were not able to be evicted due to covid.
Lastly, I have an application in for LRAP. The landlord rental assistance program. This is for tenants that refuse to apply or have moved out of the building leaving an unpaid rent debt. No risks involved in this one... however, I don’t have their new address and they change phone numbers as often as they change underwear, about every two months.