Hi BP! First time posting, but I've been lurking this amazing site for about a month now trying to learn everything I can! As the title states I am from the Dallas, Texas area. Currently, a college student getting ready to graduate. I got into stock investing about a year ago, but a couple of months ago started to feel there must be a better way to invest which is how I ended up here. Despite not having any previous REI experience I have managed to become semi-obsessed with REI podcasts, audiobooks, and blogs (many of which belonging to or found through BP). To be honest, I don't necessarily see myself going full-time into REI anytime soon (I feel that would be counter-intuitive to the time I've invested in a non-REI related degree), but I am set on doing it part-time (the 'ole 9-5 job + REI life) once I graduate. I would consider house hacking and taking advantage of my access to college students seeking rentals, but since I am graduating sooner than a year (FHA seasoning period) and am quite uncertain as to where the job market will take me after graduation I plan to wait and learn in the meantime. I am aware there are infinitely creative ways of financing given enough time and effort, but I feel the options available to someone who has no steady income seem too risky and cut my margins for error more than I would like. My ideal goal (like that of many others on here) is financial freedom. I like the idea of taking advantage of the multiple wealth generating mechanisms Buy-and-Hold offers. I plan to purchase SFH or MFH using the BRRRR strategy because I feel it is a very good way of leveraging smaller amounts of money as long as you're okay with the risk accumulating debt has, you plan conservatively, and you don't try to grow too big too fast. I would love to hear any comments or suggestions anyone has for me! Current questions I am trying to understand in the realm of REI are:
How to determine what stage the housing market is in? (Currently in Texas it seems like a hot - seller's market. I know this doesn't necessarily mean there aren't deals, but is it wise to buy now when there's a possible dip in the future?)
What have naturally introverted people (like myself) done to get the ball rolling in what seems like a networking dependent industry of REI? (I have read time and time again that REI meetings are the way to go. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to avoid talking to people. I simply do not thrive in large events like that especially when most events that do happen to fit with my schedule are filled with seasoned REIs who I can't imagine would take a very young, inexperienced, college student seriously let alone be interested in networking. I have come across the idea of offering free labor/partnership in exchange for mentoring, but to my understanding the frequency this occurs at is few and far between.)
Best Wishes!