@Tris Wils
Hey Tris, my brother and I have successfully BRRRed about 35 houses and 10 apartments in Portland.
Our first house we bought in 2009 for $125,000 added a master bathroom, remodeled kitchen, and installed new floors, for roughly $25,000. It appraised for $225,000 and we pulled cash out and moved on to the next property.
In 2017 I purchased the home that I am living in now for $310,000 and invested $180,000 into it. We recently put it on the market and got it into contract at $550,000. What is great is that we qualify for taxfree gains through section 121. This project was a big value add and was fairly complicated. It would have been better to do a more straightforward value add project.
In 2018 I purchased a 4 plex in Milwaukie for $540,000 and invested $50,000 into it. I took rents from $800 to $1195. The mortgage is $2800 per month and rents are about $4800. I did do a 1031 exchange into this property so I am not super upset that I have roughly $150,000 of capital into the property.
Today we are purchasing a condo right now in SW Portland for $175,000 and I think that we are just going to relist it at a higher price without doing any repairs... I think the wholesaler is going to make more money than we are, but it should provide us a small return.
We are about to close on our 2nd Syndication deal for a 12 unit apartment complex in SW Portland as well. We got about 10 investors together to buy a 1.8m property and we have a small value add project lined up for it and we will be waiting for the SW Corridor MAX Line to be constructed and then we will sell.
In the current market landscape, we are focusing more on Apartments than we are on single-family homes. Home prices are incredibly inflated due to the lack of inventory. Flips and BRRRs are possible but as investors, we are extremely selective.
I'm happy to chat about the local market here... that's what we do every day!
Chris Shepard
Uptown Properties LLC