I do have a judgment, but have not received any funds from it. My understanding is my attorney and one other have teamed up to try to collect/seize assets from him. But at this point, I don't hold out much hope. He's apparently very adept at hiding assets. He is also adept at using other influencers credibility to boost his credibility. I attended several of his webinars, mostly no/low cost where he books legitimate industry companies and speakers. I even used some of them; specifically an insurance company for insurance on my rental. It saved me quite a bit over my prior company. So, in this manner, he gains credibility, and then sporadocally defrauds some people while not others. He keeps enough happy followers and gets enough new to continue functioning. Unfortunately, I have not seen the legitimate companies/influencers speak out against him and his fraud. I guess maybe they feel that by speaking at his events and lending him credibility they were complicit in the ponzi that has stolen so much money? I wish some of them would take a stand and side with the investors that have been ripped off. He just needs to be put in jail at this point. He is not going to stop until forced to.