If you are not aware, Massachusetts has both a House of Representatives and Senate bill that if passed will likely be devastating to small landlords. The House of Representative Bill is HD.5166 and the Senate Bill is SD.2992. I will provide a link to the bill, a link to the State of MA Housing Committee and a link that will show you the contact information for your Representative and Senator. I urge you to call, email and encourage anyone else you can reach out to do the same in opposition of this very shortsighted, likely unconstitutional, not to mention how just plain completely wrong and ridiculous (in my opinion) this bill is. In a nutshell the bill contains the following:
1. The bills seek to extend the current MA eviction Moratorium by 1 year AFTER the governor declares the State of Emergency Over. That could be "whenever" as it is not defined.
2. The bills seek to CANCEL rent due for the period of time of non-payment. NOT postpone it. Think about that. Not only could you be out rent for a year plus (whenever the emergency is over) but you will still have to pay and go through housing court to merely attempt to gain possession, not to be awarded back rent.
3. The bills seek to "hide" this information of non-payment by not allowing the courts to report it. That means it will NOT show up on future background checks.
4. This bill allows individual municipalities to EXTEND the moratorium if they desire.
5. While they attempt to offer some type of relief through mortgage forbearance we all know that all costs above and beyond merely the mortgage payment can range up to 50%, forbearance does not apply to all property owners (read the details) and of course the money needs to be paid back.
6. While the mention a "fund" to which landlords can apply to seek relief, if you read the details you will see there is not mention of how the fund will actually be funded. It also has language stating who the relief would apply to... certainly not everyone.
You should read the details for yourself, this is what I have gleaned from it. I think you may come to the same conclusion as myself which is that this amounts to nothing different than if the State of MA told grocery stores that they need to allow shoplifting for those who need food for up to a period of 1 year from a date that has not yet been declared and that they will be lucky enough to be able to "apply" to get their money recovered...someday and somehow not defined.
You may also come to the conclusion that this could be considered a government taking without just compensation.
You may also come to many other conclusions that show how wrong and backwards this is.
Here is the link to the bills:
(the senate one is linked to from the house bill page on the right side)
Here is a link that shows you how to find your Representative and Senator:
Here is a link to the Joint Committee on Housing:
You could start with emailing and calling your State Representative and State Senator as well as each person listed on the Joint Committee on Housing page including those listed below the pictures.
Hope this helps.