So I actually just turned 20 today, and learning about house hacking it seems great. I am currently reading through "The House Hacking Strategy" by Craig Curelop, and I've got one big thing I'm worried about.
So I'm a full time student, but I've been working the same job in retail for the past 3 years. I've got about $30k saved up (invested) and about $16k of that is in a Roth IRA which I would prefer to not touch, though house hacking may be worth it (maybe?). So basically, based on that, I should have enough for a down payment, right? If I can house hack properly then monthly payments would likely be no big deal as long as I don't go for some big expensive property. My credit score is great (I think) and I don't need to worry about that. Basically my biggest worry is that I wouldn't qualify for a loan because of my lack of having a real job basically.
I just moved out of my parents house and am now living with my sister, renting from my parents for $300 a month and already hate the idea of just getting rid of money monthly with no long term use.
To sum things up, I love the idea of house hacking and hope I will be capable of doing it as soon as possible, but is it feasible for me?