@Asia Jones
Ok. Think hard on this one. The PM company are in business. They are a *business*! They need to conduct themselves like one. They carry (or should) Errors & Ommissons Insurance for this very reason! Also, you definitely need to immediately contact an attorney, at least for consultation. Corporate and Real Estate Attorneys can be expensive but they are there to strategize on your behalf to help you navigate legal waters which could in the long run cost you your home, your business, and basically your financial life. So get their opinion. And also, the PM needs to receive at minimum, a threatening demand letter from you and/or the attorney demanding they pay and correct the situation in a hasty way. You may have to ask for a later closing date. I think by your cousin allowing the showing of the property those few times, he indirectly signed off on the house being sold and forfeit any lease termination payments to him. But that's one for the attorney to consider. Good luck! Give us an update when there is one.