(I’m also in the UP) I know when I started, (and I’m still very new), I just went and sat down with several realtors, just chatted with them and just through conversation found one I liked a lot. Found out which ones invested themselves, and through questions about the local market and about rentals found out which ones truly knew what they were talking about and additionally were very open about discussing it with me. You can tell who is actually passionate about their job and passionate about the market usually pretty quickly. Just come up with a list of questions (especially ones you might even already know the answer to) and sit down with a few.
I don’t know if it’s already been said and you may already know this, but remember the term “team” is a very loose term. This is not a literal team, and you don’t want to be blunt by like asking people to join your team. Your “team” is just basically a list of people that are experts in their field that you can call and/or meet-with when you need them. Start collecting contact cards and fill that phone with everything from plumbers and painters to bankers and lawyers.
sorry this is so long and drawn out. I’m eating breakfast and adding thoughts as they pop in my head.
I ask everyone I meet who they recommend, like I asked my realtor for bankers and contractors etc, and in turn ask the bankers for realtors they like. Over time you’ll see a lot of people say the same names and you end up with a self-confirming list of recommendations.