@Rosalyn Scofield
I always suggest that investors and homeowners avoid home warranties.
"the typical home warranty costs $450 annually, and only 25% of premiums are paid to homeowners. The company providing the warranty keeps most premiums as revenue and profit."
Every time I hear about property warranties, it is when something major goes wrong, and the tenants are complaining (rightfully so). The warranty company takes its time accessing the situation, and then they tell you there is a deductible; they will only cover so much; you need to use their preferred company, and it will take three weeks. All the while, the AC is out, and it is July.
It is much better to have a reserve fund and add it monthly. If you know that something major will need replacement in the future, increase the monthly amount you are depositing into your reserve fund. When something goes wrong, you can find the best contractor for the job, who can make the repairs right away, and now your tenants are happy, and you have minimized the time you would have spent speaking to your tenants about the delay or fighting a warranty company.