I agree with @Marcus Auerbach, with just a couple items to add. If you are in the carpenter's union, I am sure you can get solid recommendations for tradespeople. When you are hiring contractors, let them know that you want to shadow them and help. If you learn how to repair plumbing, electrical, roofing, etc, it will benefit you in many ways. For one, it will give you a good idea of how difficult any given job is, which will guide you when getting bids in the future. I've been able to give suggestions to my contractors that they had not thought of, saving both of us time and saving me money. It will also give you to ability to make basic repairs rather than bid everything out.
Secondly, and probably the most important tip- be diligent in your tenant screening. A bad tenant can be more expensive and time consuming than you could imagine. Make sure you are getting someone in there who will respect the property and you. I've made poor choices and had tenants that cost me more to get out and clean up the place than I made in two years of them paying rent. It's the most important job you have as a landlord.
Good luck out there- you have so much time and opportunity, make good use of it!