Different strokes for different folks!
I actually talked to the guys @ replacemymortgage. They wanted me to waive the only factor that kept their skin in the game, I told them; no thanks. But I did get enough information from them to start digging. That led me to doing the rest of the leg work. It took a lot of calling around to different banks and actually going to visit banks and credit unions. I felt like a fool at time but nonetheless I got the info I needed.
The biggest thing the strategy is preaching is discipline. People are going to tell you do this, people are going to tell you to do that. What works for one, blah blah blah…
I've did the research and I’ve ran the numbers. And the way my life is set up, I have a checking and a saving and I have to transfer money... (Kevin Hart Joke)
But seriously; I've put in an extensive amount of research on this. I run the number every day and became obsessed with finding out more. I have built my own tool directly based on the information I received from a financial institutions; so… I’m good.
All this has led to the conclusion that I’m going to execute the strategy myself.
I PERSONALLY see the benefit in it.
I PERSONALLY think it makes sense.
I PERSONALLY know how to make it work for me.
And I can stand on my own and explain why it makes sense.
If anyone wants to know more hit me in the DM and I’ll try my best to explain why I think it will work.