Dam Dam Dam!!! Just to chime in here. I don't think you will get back $41K if you sign a Refund Agreement. They may want to charge the processing fees plus some percent (unjustly prorated) after the 3 day right of refusal. ex. $8K for the next xx months of service which is prepaid and nonrefundable. From the vendor's perspective they get hit with merchant processing fees regardless. Adding to that it seems as though someone already hightailed it out of Dodge with the first $4500. Just be careful what you sign.
Next bet prove that the consumer (thyself) was misled and continue to document, not just rant here, the events as they occur. Remember you already signed an agreement and knowingly gave consent to be charged. Be prepared for litigation. Print email & text, note phone correspondence.
Third option.... Sigh, and recant this for the next 10 years as to why you failed in your pursuits if this doesn't work out.
Fourth option..... Move On.