There is a lot of development taking place on this side of Hampton. Buckroe Park is still being developed with 300K homes, similar to 4-6 other locations between Buckroe, Phoebus, and Fox Hill. There are dozens of single Builds, and they are all in the 200-300k range. Hampton just built our new Hampton Town Center replacing the old Coliseum Mall. Buckroe Beach has a new fishing pier as well, city owned. Hampton also has a convention center as well now. Hampton is also updating the road ways, lighting, walk ways, and utilities. On the other side of Pembroke and Old Buckroe rd is very nice.
Fort Monroe was decommissioned and Hampton obtained the property in 2012, a lot of it was deemed a National Monument. Since then Hampton has set up in Fort Monroe and sold and rented out some commercial property. Recently now the National Park service is obtaining Fort Monroe from Hampton, though I don't know too much about this. Either Way it is a nice addition to the area. The beaches are very nice as well and they still have the camp site open, etc. Actually my company got a lot of contracts in Fort Eustis building facilities and housing so they could move from Fort Monroe. I know someone mentioned Fort Eustis being decommissioned, I don't know about that but it does not appear so.
Main street in Phoebus is doing very well, and that area of Phoebus is very nice. They have added a strip mall beside the Farm Fresh that is on the same road. Nice restaurants and stores. Phoebus and Buckroe in general I would say are bad areas. At least that is the view of most people who I talk to about this area. I don't think it is bad, but who knows I'm inside looking out, I might be part of the problem, haha. There are good areas, but the bad areas we have are BAD areas.
I would conclude in saying that Buckroe Beach and Phoebus is on the rise, of course I plan to aid in making it a better place when I invest in the properties in the area.