Recently I have moved into a new apartment with my roommate. We moved in December and have only been here a few months. As of January it has turned into a very violent situation. Although she has never outright hit me, she is constantly dragging me, throwing me, pushing me, knocking me down, shaking me, and leaving bruises and scratches all over my body. I have pictures of the bruises. I have a handwritten letter from a therapist I started going to for domestic violence stating that I need to be removed from the house as soon as possible because it is a very dangerous situation. I filed a police report and I have a copy of that as well. I can get handwritten statement from several people who have witnessed the effect it has had on my mental stability. When I contacted my leasing office to ask to be let out of my lease they told me there is nothing they would be willing to do. So I was wondering if there is any statute that protects against domestic violence for tenants. Is there a way to get out of my lease without any legal repercussions on myself or my renter's history. Can anyone recomind a good lawyer who would be able to get me out of my lease?