Hello all. This is my first post and I'm looking for advice (so it might be long because I'm desperate so please bear with me and read this if you're willing to help). This isn't really real-estate related but I thought this would be a good place to turn for help because I know many of you are financially savvy, experienced, and intuitive. If you've read rich-dad poor-dad, I come from the typical "poor dad" scenario where going to college and getting a stable job was branded into my brain! Now, per these usual middle class, millennial antics, I am now overly-educated and drowning in student loan debt while living on a teacher salary.
I'm married and will be turning 30 in February. Together, my husband and I do very well. We own a home that we remodeled with a small loan and a lot of sweat equity and it has appreciated enough to where we could sell it and bank a small profit if we wanted. I've had a few ideas floating around in my mind over the past few months because I am terrified of living my life in debt until I'm 60 (why I had to turn 29 to figure this out is beyond me)!!
Idea # 1: I've been seriously considering getting my real estate license and attempting to start a side-hustle as an agent in my local (rural) community. I know some other folks who did real-estate on the side and made decent profits. These "mentors" also expressed to me that they thought I'd do great in the biz because of my willingness to hustle, work hard, and make connections. My thinking with this is, with the money I make on the side, I could either start a real estate investment portfolio or take any profits from my deals to knock down my loan debt.
Idea #2: Another idea that has crossed my mind is selling our home and taking the profits that we make on the sell to put towards a small rental property. Some of the podcasts and books I've read have encouraged new investors to "just do it." I'm not saying go into it blindly, but going into it with a plan, obviously, and trying to start a flow of passive income. Though this is more of a long-term plan, I feel like if I can get my passive income flowing, then maybe in 5 or 10 years, I could have enough experience and wisdom to be successful and bank enough profit to pay off my loans altogether.
Idea #3: Don't risk anymore debt. Since I already have so much, I'm torn as to whether I should even think about getting into real estate to begin with. I don't want to risk getting into MORE debt, but I also don't want my debt to cripple me and keep me from achieving financial freedom.
I don't really have a "rich dad" person that I can turn to for advice so that's why I'm here! I want someone's honest opinion regarding what should be my next step. With the amount of student loan debt that I have, if I don't do something to offset it, I will be paying it until I'm 50 or 60. That's just not acceptable for me. I pushed for my education because I wanted "freedom" to work whatever job I wanted in the realm of education. Now, 6 months away from earning my doctorate, I feel more trapped than ever.
Any advice you can offer, whether it be financially or personally, would be beneficial to me. Thanks!