Timing the market is the key to everything. Otherwise, all these investment funds, hedge funds, private equity funds never make money. For stock, it's true the funds sometimes lowering the stock so they are able to fetch the stock at a cheaper price so they can, later on, sell it higher to the public. But it doesn't apply to the real estate market as RE market is hard to manipulate but more influenced by interest rate.
In 2007 we already would like to invest but we know there's a looming crash because the banking system is not healthy mainly due to subprime mortgages. Hence we wait until 2009 to invest. We buy at the dip. Today it's different, yes covid has the potential to crash the real estate market back in March 2020. I see there's no liquidity in the market, especially in commercial lending. Some highly leveraged mortgage funds /ETN is bankrupt. Nobody willing to give a loan and unemployment is looming.
But in April-May then the gov made super-fast action to save the economy by printing the money so people can refinance and apply for forbearance. Many companies that plan to do layoff cancel their layoff plan and instead even hiring more after they issue new private debts to the company. Yes, there's crash still seen but the effect has only occurred in certain sectors such as hotels and brick-and-mortar stores.
Again. Timing market is everything and the key. The difference is your analysis, is it correct or not.