John M. Pestorich, and I usually go by J.P. I have been lurking nonstop for a couple of days now and figured I better start up a profile. It appears to me there is a ton of knowledge and experience in here and it is interesting to read about the many different deals and situations from all over the country.
I got my R.E. license while finishing up college after my baseball scholarship ended. Right away I earned a big commision on a cattle ranch sale and have been at it ever since. I grew up in a small farming community (7 churches, 0 bars) just south of Fresno, CA. My family farms hay, cattle, and wine grapes and I grew up working odd jobs on neighboring ranches. The company I work under specializes in suburban residences, farms, and ranches. We also have a residential division and routinely handle small to medium commercial and industrial transactions.
As far as investing for myself, I purchased my first home at the age of 25 and sold it about a year later, my fiance thinks it weird that I never spent one night in the first home I owned. I then bought two houses on a lot in Fresno that I still have and rent out. After that came a home on 20 acres planted to alfalfa that I renovated and moved into, and I partnered on a commercial building with my broker, with a couple more in the works.
My interests include farming, cattle, horses, hunting, fishing, poker, and R.E. investing of course.
It is great to meet all of you and I can tell this is a classy site, glad I can be a part of it.