As a private lender I’m Looking for advice for when an initial loan closing is delayed either a week or so or even prolonged. In one instance (happens to be our most regular borrower) the loan was delayed about 2 months due to complications on the selling part. It’s not only our money we’re managing/lending, but private lenders that are personal acquaintances. Sometimes we use the money currently in our account and other times we receive their monies specifically for the time of that closing. I’d like to be able to charge either daily interest or receive a fee for the time the money is just sitting waiting to be sent to closing- but want to be reasonable with borrowers. We want to pay our lenders interest as close to (scheduled) start of a loan. Even if we sent the money back to our lenders, we’d have to get it back and incur extra wire fees -and since we’re just waiting for the loan to close it’s not like it would be making money anywhere else. Suggestions welcome!