This will be my first tax lien auction ever. Anyone ever attend one of these in Spartanburg, SC?
Are bidders of this location predominantly looking for the interest return or to acquire property not redeemed?
Is this area known for competition to purposely bid up the price? What are the increments of the bidding?
Also, this county requires bidder to pay by cash, cashier's check, certified check or money order by end of the sale. I'm not a cash-carrying bidder; therefore, how to prepare ahead of time with the other methods of payment if no exact amount is known escapes me. If I'm not the highest bidder and no transaction takes place can a certified check be reversed by the bank? What do other bidders do?
Last big question, how to know if the property owner paid the taxes before the auction; don't want to waste my time with all of the above and find out my interests have been eliminated!
Thank you to anyone who cares to share. Happy Thanksgiving Holiday to all.