Quote from @Jim K.:
@Camila Coletti
Security cameras in common areas and outside are legal in all fifty states, to my knowledge. There may be some wacky county law or municipal ordinance somewhere that disallows them, who knows, it's a big country, so check on a local level. If you don't know how to check or where to ask, get on that anyway, because that's where you'll find the eviction laws, too, and you're going to need a working knowledge of those with a sixplex sooner or later.
You will find that the best tenants generally appreciate security cameras and the worst tenants will come up with any excuse not to have them.
By all means, install security cameras. They're a game-changer, especially in C- borderline neighborhoods. I use the Night Owl product line. You can find the company online.
Him Jim, thank you for your response. I'll make sure to check the local laws but really thinking that having them is what makes the most sense.
I appreciate your feedback on good tenants appreciate it them but bad ones will make excuses, something to keep an eye on definitely.
I'll make sure to check that bran. Thank you so so much!